08 Jul 2013
This is a status update for my Google Summer of Code 2013 project -
implementing advanced statistics importers for Amarok. Please read the
first post if you would like to know more about the project.
For the previous week I had scheduled "Reimplementing FastForward importer,
cleaning up data-reading module. At the end of the week I expect to have working
implementation of FastForwardProvider." That's done now, and I can't say it
took a lot of coding.
It took a fair amount of thinking, though. Classes that inherit
and StatSyncing::Track
have to fulfill certain
conditions for working in multi-threaded environment. In short, the former must
be reentrant, and the latter thread-safe.
Surprisingly, there are various definitions of reentrancy and thread-safety.
The Qt's one basically boils down to this: a class is reentrant
when different threads can safely work on different objects, and thread-safe
when they can work on the same object. [Wikipedia disagrees]Wikipedia
reentrancy. In it's definition, a method is reentrant when it can be
interrupted in the middle and started again. In that sense, the function in the
following example (courtesy of Wikipedia) is thread- safe, but not reentrant; an
invocation interrupted in the function body would leave the mutex locked, and
any subsequent invocation would hang on mutex_lock()
int function()
// ...
function body
// ...
But leaving this small tangent aside, that wasn't the only thing I had to think
through. I had a small case of premature optimization going on: I didn't want to
open a new SQL connection for every request (Amarok stores it's main
collection's data in SQL database). It sounds simple enough to do, but coupled
with the fact that "a connection can only be used from within the thread that
created it", and multithreaded nature of providers, this was an
interesting problem to get right. So I rediscovered what every other Qt
developer already knew: if you need something to run in a specific thread, use
Signals & Slots mechanism. With Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection
and using emit
instead of slotFoo()
, we basically get an effect of executing a
function - synchronously - in a different thread, and with an added benefit of
not having to bother with synchronization ourselves.
It gets a little bit more awkward when both caller and callee can happen to be
in the same thread, as Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection
blocks caller's thread
until called slot is done:
connect( this, SIGNAL(retrieveAllData()), SLOT(slotRetrieveAllData()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection );
// ...
if( thread() == QCoreApplication::instance()->thread() )
emit retrieveAllData();
But hey, the pros outweigh the cons, and it's what matters. And after I was done
with FastForwardProvider
and FastForwardTrack
, I decided to add some lazy
initialization to the mix...
So, to wrap this up. Aside from multi-threaded fun and figuring out the right
file system hierarchy, I also spent a lot of time thinking about the bigger
picture, that is how and when importers would actually load up the configuration
and register themselves with right controllers. It's something I initially
overlooked in my proposal, and something I'll try to address this week, possibly
skewing my schedule a little bit. More on this topic coming next week.
Oh, and I'm not done with FastForwardProvider
, not really. It's more of a
prototype. As more providers come to life, they will see a lot of changes aiming
at deduplication and easing the creation of new ones.
Thanks for reading!
01 Jul 2013
This is a status update for my Google Summer of Code 2013 project -
implementing advanced statistics importers for Amarok. Please read the
first post if you would like to know more about the project.
I didn't think writing tests could be so much fun! Neither did I think they
could take me so much time. What I scheduled for the past week was
"implementing the initial test suite for importers (exam week)," and it was
supposed to be a fast & easy task, allowing me to focus on my exams. And yet
after my last test that week I found myself spending every day intensively
coding. Most of the time was spent on figuring out how to approach testing and
writing the code to make that chosen approach possible; writing tests
themselves actually was the fast & easy task I thought it to be.
At the end, I ran git diff --stat
for my changes: 26 files changed, 1246
insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
. I was surprised.
I managed to test things the way I wanted to. I created two test suites,
and TestFastForwardImporter
, both inheriting from
, which holds common tests and utility functions. I
slightly modified both importers so that I could statically provide them with
arbitrary database paths to read from and arbitrary collections to write to -
one of my goals for this week was *not to modify existing importers in any major
I created two collections: localCollection
and fileCollection
; the latter
fulfilling a role of FileTrackProvider
, giving importers information about
tracks located at nonexistent paths; the former being the collection tracks were
synchronized to. To easily check, clear, and modify their contents I extended
capabilities of Collections::CollectionTestImpl
class, which stores collection
in-memory. The 'init' and 'clean' test procedures take care of filling the
with necessary data, clearing localCollection
, and resetting
statistics after each test.
The code has no idea which importers it's dealing with, operating on
, a superclass of both. The tests don't know even that. A
test sets preconditions by modifying collections' contents, calls
method of TestImportersCommon
, and then checks the
resulting state. An elegant, implementation-agnostic way, which fulfills my
second goal for the week: write tests for current importers in a way that would
make them easily reused for reimplemented importers. Done and done.
So here's something I learned that week: how to run an asynchronous task in Qt
and block until it's done. That's a useful thing for testing! Here's the full
implementation of blockingImport()
QScopedPointer<DatabaseImporter> importer( newInstance() );
QEventLoop loop;
connect( importer.data(), SIGNAL(importSucceeded()), &loop, SLOT(quit()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( importer.data(), SIGNAL(importFailed()), &loop, SLOT(quit()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( importer.data(), SIGNAL(importError(QString)), &loop, SLOT(quit()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( importer.data(), SIGNAL(importFailed()), this, SLOT(importFailed()) );
connect( importer.data(), SIGNAL(importError(QString)), this, SLOT(importFailed()) );
And this is as personal as it gets when it comes to interacting with importers
in tests. (As you can see, I'm playing with a new plugin for code snippets.
Configuring it fully is yet another thing I have planned for later.)
You can check out my progress on my public Amarok clone. The branch is named
Thanks for reading!
24 Jun 2013
This is a status update for my Google Summer of Code 2013 project -
implementing advanced statistics importers for Amarok. Please read the
first post if you would like to know more about the project.
Long days and pleasant nights.
The first week of GSoC has passed. What I had scheduled for that week (and I'm
still getting around to placing the schedule around here) was "Drafting up test
cases for FastForward and iTunes importers."
I admit that it doesn't sound too exciting, and neither does the next one which
is all about implementing these drafted tests. The reason for that is that I'm
currently in the middle of final exams; as of writing this posts, three of them
are behind me and three are left to go. The last exam is July 2nd, so all of the
real fun will start after that.
So, let's write about what I actually did that week, which amounts to this: I
went through the current importers implementation and noted what they currently
do. I then compared this with what the reimplemented importers should do, and
then noted on my whiteboard what kind of thing I should then be testing. I also
familiarized myself with QTestLib and KDE helper methods for testing and
prepared a blank test suite, so I'm basically all set to implement things. And
that's about all.
I want to write a bit about why I want to implement these tests at all. Their
purpose isn't to test the implementation of current importers, because they're
being replaced anyway. What I want to do is assert how the logic works right
now, and then carry on these assertions to the new implementation. The bottom
line is: they'll make sure that the new implementation is no worse than the old
one, which is one of my project's goals. :)
Signing off before I write everything I have about tests, and then have nothing
to write about next week. Thanks for reading!
15 Jun 2013
Hey! My name is Konrad Zemek, I'm a student at AGH University of Science and
Technology, Kraków, Poland. I study Computer Science, currently finishing my
second year. I'm a programmer. Mainly a C++ programmer, but that's just
because I write in C++ professionally - I know a few other languages and I'm
fast to pick up new ones. I could write about this a lot more, but I guess it
all just comes to that: I'm a programmer, and a good one.
And I have other traits, too! I love gaming, particularly video gaming. I eat
through books, mostly of the fantasy kind. I ride a bicycle almost every single
day, and I'm learning to play the electric guitar, dreaming that I could someday
justify buying a Stratocaster.
I'll get to placing my photo, not made hastily with a cellphone, somewhere
around here - in the meantime I redirect you to my Google+ page.
The blog
I really tried not to commit too much time to deploy this blog, as I'm behind my
schedule already. And believe me, it was hard - I'm the type of person who
spends weeks reading about color theory and typography before deploying a
website. This time, at least from the visual side, everything is pretty generic
- still, I see great many hours of tweaking and customizing this blog in my
Just not now.
It's a bit more interesting from the technical side. I deployed the WordPress
application on the Amazon cloud, AWS; its code (the "application" part) resides
in a git repository, which I push to "Elastic Beanstalk" (a Platform-
as-a-Service) after every update, which in turn spins up a generic instance of
GNU/Linux and deploys the application there. Nothing on this instance is
persistent, so no actual content can be stored there. The blog connects to a
SQL database, which is provided by another part of AWS. Then there's persistent
content that is neither a part of the application nor it belongs in the
database, like uploaded images and other post attachments - these are stored by
Amazon S3 service. CloudFlare provides DNS, caching, and some anti-bot
There are a lot of things on the technical side that I'm itching to talk about,
but I've got more important thing to write about, that being...
Google Summer of Code
The main purpose of this blog, or rather the reason it came into existence, is
to write about Google Summer of Code, more specifically about my own GSoC
project. The title of this proposal is Reimplement Amarok 1.4 (FastForward) &
iTunes importers on top of Statistics Synchronization framework, and add Amarok
2.x and Rhythmbox as synchronization targets. Amarok is a legendary music
player, part of the KDE software suite (I'd say it's a Linux music player, but
that's not entirely true).
Every but the most basic music player collects data about music being played -
it's called personal metadata, and includes information like number of times a
given track has been played, or user's rating of the track. For users who use
those features, it's quite a big deal - it allows for playing favorite tracks,
or maybe the tracks which were not listened to enough, all without any need to
spend time setting up custom playlist. Or perhaps you like to share your most-
loved tracks through a service like Last.fm? None of that would be achievable
without personal metadata.
Currently, if you're using iTunes or an old Amarok version, you are able to
share this metadata with Amarok, although there's no easy way to keep it
synchronized. At a basic level, my project aims to add that very capability - to
easily resynchronize Amarok with iTunes, previous Amarok versions, and
Rhythmbox, Ubuntu's default music player. There are also some stretch goals,
like being able to do a two-way synchronization (update metadata on the other
player), and I'm also quite confident of reaching those. I will post my weekly
progress updates here during the course of next three months, and I think my
planned schedule will end up in a widget somewhere on this site. There also will
be more details coming. I'll get to it, I promise!
So that's me done for this post, before I run out of things to say in the next
one. Thanks for reading. :)