GSoC Status Update - Week 5
22 Jul 2013This is a status update for my Google Summer of Code 2013 project - implementing advanced statistics importers for Amarok. Please read the first post if you would like to know more about the project.
I'm happy to report that every component of the Importers infrastructure is now working. There were no major design changes from what I described in my last status update. The most significant minor-ish ones are:
- provider creation and configuration dialogs management was moved from
to the GUI (but theController
is still tasked with instantiating the dialog), ImporterFactory
was renamed toImporterManager
to better reflect its responsibilities.
Otherwise, I implemented what remained to be implemented, squashed some small bugs and added some polish. What I like to call "Importers framework" (but what is probably too monumental of a name) is ready for service, although it will be polished and improved still throughout the summer.
8076 words

The future
This week I'm going to start and finish implementing iTunes importer. After that I'm going to spend some time on tests, repurposing them for the new Importers framework. If most things go well, everything that I have planned should be ready for the GSoC Midterm Evaluation, along with some things I haven't (i.e. the "framework").
After that, well, I don't know yet. I will get a taste of implementing a concrete importer this week, and will see how much work it requires right now. Depending on that, more importing targets than just Amarok 2.x and Rhythmbox may be expected from the second half on my project.
As always, you can check out my progress on my public Amarok clone. The branch
is named gsoc-importers
Thanks for reading!